SparkPost is an email infrastructure provider whose email delivery service product features include API & Integrations, analytics, security, templates, support, and more.
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No more boring emails!
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SparkPost is an email deliverability tool that allows users to optimize email delivery and sending at scale. With SparkPost, businesses can ensure that their emails reach the intended recipients' inboxes, improving the chances of successful communication with customers. The tool offers features like inbox access, campaign creation, and automation, making it easier for businesses to manage their email communications effectively. By using SparkPost, businesses can enhance their email deliverability and increase the effectiveness of their email marketing efforts.
Build, maintain, and repair your sender reputation automatically. Reply's Email Warm-Up tool provides effortless and swift deliverability boost using network of trusted accounts for peer-to-peer sending and fully automated positive engagement.
The Email Warmer is just one of the many tools integrated into Sales.Rocks platform that makes email deliverability challenges disappear from the workflow of B2B sales teams. Use Sales.Rocks to warm-up your new email accounts or boost the sending volume of more mature ones on automation.
SendHealth is an email doctor which takes 30 seconds to run a comprehensive test on all aspects related to your email - sending domain, DNS configuration, your SMTP server and the content you’re pushing out to your users all in 30 seconds. It's a quick 2-step process. Use your email marketing tool, ESP, API or your GSuite/Zoho workspace to send an email to the recipient provided by us. Click on Get Started to generate a recipient for you. Once you have sent the email, start the diagnosis and we generate the report for you to understand and debug your email lords. We generate an extensive report on Sending IP, Domain, their blacklist data, Content Spam Score, DNS Records Alignment for inboxing your emails.