Send hyper-personalized email campaigns to engage your customers at the right time. Scale your campaigns with drag-and-drop automation and maximize conversion.
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No more boring emails!
Start sending interactive AMP emails with Mailmodo and boost engagement
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Wigzo is an email marketing tool that offers automation, personalization, analytics, and advertising specialized for e-commerce businesses. With features such as segmentation, RFM analysis, and journey builder, Wigzo allows users to create accurate customer segments, gain real-time insights into user trends and behaviors, and create customer and revenue-triggered workflows. Additionally, Wigzo enables users to increase user engagement through highly targeted and personalized messages based on demographic, behavioral, and psychographic information. With its drag-and-drop automation and ready-to-use templates, Wigzo helps businesses drive revenue and maximize conversions through hyper-personalized email campaigns.
Send hyper-personalized email campaigns to engage your customers at the right time. Scale your campaigns with drag-and-drop automation and maximize conversion.
Sender is the omnichannel platform for building, sending, and automating SMS & Email campaigns. It also allows users to create newsletters themselves or use a vast library of premade templates. This tool makes it a breeze to quickly and efficiently create emails and popups using simple yet powerful features. Multichannel automation, which combines email + SMS channels, is a great way to create compelling customer journeys and effective campaigns.
SendX is an email marketing platform that will enable you to send an email marketing campaign, build your email list, and automate an advanced email sequence. You can easily design, schedule, and track unlimited email campaigns that will generate a sales increase in your marketing funnel.