Grunt Litmus

Send email tests to Litmus with grunt

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What is Grunt Litmus Email Testing Tool?

Grunt Litmus is a testing tool that allows users to send email tests to Litmus. It requires Grunt ~0.4.2 and can be installed with the command 'npm install grunt-litmus --save-dev'. Users can add a section named 'litmus' to their Gruntfile and specify options such as username, password, and url. They can also define an array of email clients to test and add a subject line to the Litmus test. The tool comes with a troubleshooting section and release history. It can be found on GitHub at ''.


Grunt Litmus email testing tool features:

  • Send email tests to Litmus.
  • Requires Grunt ~0.--
  • Allows for customization of options such as username, password, URL, and email clients to test.
  • Can add subject line to Litmus test.
  • Troubleshooting and contributing guidelines provided.


  • Allows sending email tests to Litmus.
  • Easy integration with Grunt using a simple command.
  • Provides options for configuring Litmus username, password, URL, and email clients to test.


  • Limited information provided in the documentation.
  • Dependency on external Litmus API, which can cause delays or issues.
  • No recent updates or releases, suggesting lack of active development and support.

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